A comet that will fly across the screen
A star in a shooting star shower.
A star in a shooting star shower.
A star in a shooting star shower.
A star in a shooting star shower.
A star in a shooting star shower.

Our Mission


We want to help you discover the true potential of your business. FONSEKA aims to provide the best quality consulting and development services for businesses that appreciate the value of constant innovation for continued growth & success.

2 team members working on a design together.

What We Offer

Good Service is good business.

We want to be a reliable and professional Brisbane IT Company that performs to the highest standard. FONSEKA has a wide range of abilities that businesses love. With the finest consultants, designers, and developers, FONSEKA offers a full, premium technology transformation experience to Australia & New Zealand.

2 designers working on UX design and mapping out an application.
2 designers digitally designing wireframes of an application.
2 people working in the app and software development team discussing a project. App & Software Developer Brisbane Australia


When working with FONSEKA, you can rest assured that your idea will be taken through the best practices from preparation to development to deployment.